Thursday, October 11, 2018

Survival Mode, XX, And All the Names

13 weeks, folks.  We are finally into the 2nd trimester.  There are days when I forget that I'm pregnant, there are days that everything is amazing and I can't believe there is life growing inside of me... and then there are days where everything is awful and I'm just trying to survive and not barf all over everything. But do you know what makes it all better? We finally know!

Mr and I found out last week that our little has two X chromosomes! (that means that we are having a little female human).  For the sake of ease in conversation we are using female pronouns in reference to the babe for the time being (she, her, hers).

We are so excited to finally know.  It's one more piece in the puzzle of facts that makes up our little peach and it's been nice to be able to narrow our possible name list down a bit more. Announcing to our friends and family has been super fun, but it has also opened the floodgates of opinions around names.  What the hell, folks?  Everyone calm down!  We, like most people, have names that we already like and had been considering as possibilities.  We are not into getting feedback on our possibilities, nor will we be confirming a name until this baby makes her debut.  Has that stopped people from lobbing their preferred baby names at us?  It most certainly has not!  When in the history of ever has someone taken a suggested name for their offspring?  It must have happened at some point, but I would wager that it is a rare event.

Also, you can't "call dibs" on a name.  I have had several people tell me what we "can't" name our child, and while those names haven't been on our preferred list, unless you currently have a baby in your womb you don't get to tell other people they can't have a name.  Obviously these people forget that you don't get to tell me what to do.  If it wasn't affecting another life (my child's) I would take that name just to show you that you, in fact, CANNOT tell me what not to do (thanks, Mom, for the fierce independence and spite streak!).  So far though, I haven't liked the "dibs" names anyway, so no spite-naming.

So there is my pretty short update for this week because I really just need to go take a nap now.

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