Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Shortest Cold I've Ever Had

I probably did it to myself, but I caught the yucky cold thing that is going around right now.  If you aren't familiar - most people in my office that have had it have had to take a few days off work to recuperate because it knocks them down so hard.   Not fun.

Last week was totally amazing because it was a short week due to Thanksgiving (Yay, American Holidays!) and everyone was in a great mood, and Mr and I had tickets to see Anti Flag and Less Than Jake on Wednesday night.  I was particularly excited because I LOVE Thanksgiving so much.  There is not a better day in the whole year for me, and I don't even need to tell you that it's all because of the food.  This year I was debating on whether I should allow myself to eat some of the traditional food of the day versus making gluten/wheat-free version and I thought oh to heck with it!  I'm eating regular stuffing on Thanksgiving because it won't kill me and I love it so much.  I'll just probably have a stomach ache or get a bit rashy, but WHO CARES?! (because I don't have Celiac's, so it really just makes me uncomfortable when I eat it and doesn't cause extreme reactions for me.  I do not advocate eating things you have severe reactions to)  So I ate gluten and wheat filled goodies with gusto on Thanksgiving and only suffered a very mild case of indigestion, and I said to myself TOTALLY WORTH IT!!  At the end of the day I was super sleepy and had a bit of a tickle in my throat, but didn't pay it much mind since we'd been eating and talking and laughing all day long.  

We headed home from our Thanksgiving dinner that my mother so awesomely prepared and got ready for bed since I had some serious Black Friday Shopping plans in mind... online.   The sale I was waiting for was an online only thing for a shop that I absolutely adore and would go broke ordering things from Michelle if I wasn't careful.  I needed to get up at 4:30am and get my computers up and running (yes, I used 2 computers so I could use Mr as a proxy to buy me some good stuff!) for her sale that started at 5:00am PST, then for another round at 8:00am PST, and a final round at 10:00am PST.  When I got up I felt... well, like I had gotten up at 4:30am so I didn't really notice how bad my body felt until around 8:00am.  I was bundled up on the couch doing my Black Friday online shopping spree and generally feeling icky- almost like I had a hangover - without having had the fun night before.  My head was pounding and my body was all stiff and achey.  After the last round of sales, I took a hot shower thinking it would relieve my symptoms, but it did not, so back to the couch I went in sweatpants with blanket burrito-ed around me and napping commenced for next few hours.  

When I awoke from napping I realized that I was in trouble.  My throat was sore and dry, my head was now throbbing incessantly, and every time I swallowed it felt like tiny knives were catching my throat on their way down.  I made myself some tea, took some Occillococcinum (which I swear by, if I take it early enough), and then force-fed myself a tablespoon of raw honey with freshly ground cinnamon.  My thought process was a little something like WE ARE NOT GETTING SICK.   Use ALL of the natural and naturopathic remedies we know!  ALL OF THEM!!!  I spent the rest of the night wallowing on the couch waiting to feel better but not quite understanding that this probably wasn't going away as fast as I wanted it to.

Saturday morning came and I realized that I had it... I had caught that damned cold that everyone else around me had caught weeks before and were still suffering through.  My entire body hurt, my throat was dry and sore, I had a headache from hell and I could feel the congestion starting to block up my nose.  Most of the day was spent napping and drinking tea, in between spoonfuls of honey and doses of Occillo.  I was pretty darn miserable and ravenously  hungry every time I woke up from a nap.  By the end of the night I had given up hope that I was going to beat this thing and made Mr drive me to Burgerville for a huge Tillamook Cheeseburger and Fries (on a GF bun, of course) with a NW Cherry Chocolate Shake to accompany it.  I inhaled my meal, took my last doses of Occillo and honey and dragged myself to bed.  I slept fitfully and woke frequently to blow my nose, and apparently I woke Mr up with my snotty snoring.  Soooo sexy.

Sunday was more of the same- woke up, ate breakfast, medicated, made tea, took a nap until 2pm, ate lunch, medicated, made tea, et cetera, et cetera ad naseam.  I may have watched a few movies in there.  I did venture out to get groceries and herbal tea with Mr, and then came promptly back home and fell asleep for a few more hours.  I went to bed Sunday night feeling pretty yucky still and decided to sleep with a Breathe-Right strip so as not to snore my husband awake and also put some Vick's on my chest and on my feet (hey, it totally works).  I was convinced that I was going to have to call in sick in the morning and as a final measure, took some NyQuil in the hopes that I would be able to breathe long enough to get some real rest.

I woke up Monday morning feeling super well-rested and the only lasting cold symptom I had was a stuffed up nose.  I went to work as usual, sounding a bit stuffy but feeling completely fine.  By the end of the day my nose had somewhat cleared up.

It's now Thursday and the only issue I've had is a slight cough any time I do too much "active" stuff- like when I try to work out or when I walk too briskly outside.  My nose is only stuffy when I first wake up, but goes away pretty quickly in the morning.

You guys, this is the FASTEST I've ever gotten over the majority of a cold.  Usually the yucky stuff hangs around for a full week, and then as I start to feel better I still have a cough, a constant drippy or stuffed up nose and a bit of a sore throat for at least another week.

One thing I do still have is a rash on my feet and some red blotchy marks on my face from eating wheat and gluten on Thanksgiving...  still totally worth it!!!  But I probably won't be eating it for every holiday.

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