Monday, July 29, 2013

Because I Didn't Get All Excited About Babies This Weekend.

I have to start this post with a few things to bring you up to speed and what has lead me to feeling like I need to post this.  First off, let's talk about how many pregnant women surround me right now.... probably 100.  Actually when I stopped to count the number of pregnant ladies I currently know the total was 12.  TWELVE.  That's a lot and it sure feels like 100, and each year at any given time that number seems to fluctuate between 3 and 15 because I'm pretty sure we are in that stage of life where it's almost everyone's next logical step.  Second, the number of women I know who have recently had a baby (within the last 12 months is what I'm considering recent) is around 15 when I do a quick count- but is probably closer to 20 if I really thought about it.

Ok, so now that you  know those two things we can get to the heart of what I want to talk about today:  Maternal Instincts.

You guys- when you meet me you may notice that I'm not the "girliest" girl you've ever met and you may even think that I might be lacking maternal instinct.  I don't get all excited over new babies (unless you are my best friend or a really close family member) and I'm definitely not the first in line to hold a new baby.  It's not that they make me uncomfortable or that I don't like them... it's just that I don't have that strange pull that makes me want to touch your offspring and cry when I see their baby-fat leg rolls (which I actually do think are super cute).  I'm just not like that.  If you need a break, I'll gladly hold your baby, but does your baby really want to be held by 1,000 strangers?  I won't even begin to pretend to know what your baby wants, but I know that if it were me I would not like it one bit.

I guess I'm just feeling a little judged recently being surround by babies and soon-to-be-babies and women who want to do nothing but talk about babies.  I think baby clothing and accessories are super adorable.  I think babies are pretty darn cute.  But I also think that babies are crazy hard work and I know that I am just not ready at this moment to handle all of the extra responsibilities and sacrifices that come with them.  This is not to say that we won't be having kids... eventually we will, but until that time we are focusing on things that we want to do while we are young and still can.  Anyhow, please don't be offended when I'm not jumping over other ladies to hold your baby.  Please don't think that I don't like babies or small children because I'm not cooing over their every movement and expression.  Please don't think that I completely lack maternal instincts because I'm not currently seriously interested in having kids.  Just know that we are doing things in our own time.

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