Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Everybody's Sick and Tired

No seriously.  Everyone at work (or almost everyone) is sick or is getting over being sick.  It's awful.  Luckily (or not, whichever way you see it) I got the sicks at the beginning of January so I'm hoping that my immune system is ready to handle it.  Mr's immune system was not ready and this week so far he's been at home lying on the couch, moaning and groaning and running a fever.  I'm upping my intake of vitamins and fresh air and water just in case his germies find me.

Also, HOLY MOLY it's halfway through February and Valentine's day is this week!  We're hoping Mr is feeling better soon - or at least by Thursday for dinner- because we have reservations at our favorite restaurant, Berlin Inn!  Mmmm... fondue and sausages.

And I feel like I owe everyone an apology for being insanely grumpy.  So I'm sorry if I've been grumpy or awful to you in the last 2 weeks.  Things at work have been busy, I feel totally broke (as I always do in Jan and Feb), and everyone being sick is really making me crazy (because I'm a huge germaphobe AND because everyone else is grumpy and whiney while being sick).  None of those are good excuses to be grumpy to anyone, so I sincerely apologize.

Let's all go take naps and catch up on Downton Abbey.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Long Over Due Post

Hey Guys!  Where did January go?  Because I feel like it shouldn't be February yet, but here we are.

So many things going on and some very cool things to update everyone on from January.  First, my bestie had a BABY GIRL.  Totally the cutest baby ever in the history of babies.  I hope later this Spring I get to meet her in person.  Mr and I are totally ecstatic for D and M.  I cannot begin to describe how adorable she is!  Also, I still don't have baby fever, and if that cutie couldn't do it for me, I don't think I'll ever have baby fever.  Not to say I won't have them, but there is no ticking clock for me just yet.

In the work world I got a new boss who I really like.  Our schedules have been hectic at best, but we are working through it.  She would like me to join her on some of her upcoming travels which will be exciting and also frequent!  It will start in late February and I will be gone for a week in Seattle, back for the weekend, then I'll be gone for a week in Las Vegas for a conference and then back home again for the weekend.  Then in March I'm at home/office for a week and then I travel to Chicago for a week, back the following week at home and then the personal travels start.  After Spring Break I will spend a week in a to be determined location and then hopefully be home for a bit.

Speaking of personal travels, I don't know how Mr. and I are ever going to save money if we keep having to go places... you know, because we HAVE to go to Disneyland.  In late March I have to go to New York to visit family for a few days with my mom and sister, and then I'll land in Portland for 6 hours and then get on a flight to LA to go to Disneyland for a few days and to visit Mr's sister in San Diego.  Definitely not complaining about getting to hang out in sunny CA for almost a week!

Oh yeah, back to January.  Some other things that happened- I caught the death cold/flu like I do every winter pretty much the only week I couldn't take sick time, when my new boss started, so she got to see me at my very worst, which is kind of nice to have that out of the way.  I also officially changed my name EVERYWHERE, got a new SSN and driver's license, etc.  Wow, it all feels so adult and real.  I do not, however, feel super official and adult and am not sure that it will ever change.  Mr and I also signed up to run the Shamrock Run here in Portland in March so we've been trying to get out in the wet and cold and get some miles in.  And then on the very last day of January we got to see Muse, live at the Rose Garden.  It was fantastic and ended January well.

And into February we go.  It hasn't been half bad, other than the Super Bowl being totally disappointing, not because we cared about the teams, but mostly because the half time show wasn't longer and the commercials weren't as funny as I wanted them to be.  Last night we went to see BEN FOLDS FIVE which rocked my face off, but put Mr to sleep.... give him a break, he's had a long week full of report cards and long hours.  Anyway, it was my 90's dream come true and I loved every second of it.

Away we go, into February.  I promise I'll be better at updating!