Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Out with the Old...

Well well well, 2013, here you are!  Mr. and I weren't sure we'd like you as much as we liked 2012, but so far so good.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break (if you were lucky enough to have one!).  We sure did!  Mr. didn't have to work for 18 days and I didn't for 11.  I don't remember the last time I was that relaxed.  As always, it took me a few days to wind down, so I got some house projects done with my extra energy which was nice.

I am a little sad that 2012 is over because it was such a fabulous year.  In no particular order:  Mr. and I got married, I went to Hawaii for the first time ever, my bestie got pregnant with her first baby, Mr. got a full time teaching job, Mr. and I bought a house and I had my 5 year anniversary at work.  We had some pretty big moments, but we are looking forward to what 2013 has in store.

If you know me at all  you know I'm a planner by nature so in our down time at home over break Mr. and I started planning out our 2013 adventures.  Here is what we hope to do/see in 2013:

1.  Go on more hiking trips.
2.  Go backpacking for the first time ever together.
3.  See MUSE at the end of the month when they come to Portland.
4.  Plan a 2 week vacation to the United Kingdom (we've already started looking into it and purchased some travel books at Powell's)
5.  Go to Newport for a weekend and stay at the Bed and Beer.
6.  Re-train our dogs how to take walks and not pull so hard they choke themselves (even with harnesses on... seriously they are a little dumb)
7.  Actually take our honeymoon at Disney!

This is just the start of our list, much more to come.

Happy New Year to all!

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